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Why Comfort Matters, Especially During Hard Times

Amaani Ziauddin

Everyone seeks comfort in one way or another. It may be from a stuffed toy, a soft blanket, or an old show. The feeling of comfort isn’t just the feeling of needing or wanting something; rather, it’s a natural response that helps us feel safe. We might even use comfort as a distraction. The question is, why do the little things make us feel so safe? The answer kind of depends on how our brain responds to stress. The things that bring us comfort are the most important during difficult times, and they’re like reminders that everything will be okay. 

Image Source: @maryamamajeed on Instagram
Image Source: @maryamamajeed on Instagram

Why We Crave Comfort During Hard Times

When we go through any sort of stress, the brain releases adrenaline and cortisol, a hormone that plays a role in the body’s response to stress. Cortisol is helpful when it comes to short-term stresses, as it allows the body to quickly take on challenges. But when we are in extremely stressful situations, cortisol levels are often really high. This can be bad for us and can cause a lot of health problems down the line. When we are in extremely stressful situations, comfort takes a step in. Comfort allows us to regulate stress and reduce cortisol levels, which helps us feel better overall. 

Some comforting activities could be cuddling with a stuffed animal/toy, going for a quiet walk, or even listening to a podcast. These activities release a neurotransmitter called dopamine, and it’s associated with pleasure and reward. Dopamine allows our brain to feel at ease and relaxed. 

Comfort doesn’t have to be a specific activity you have to do, comfort can come from simple things like sleeping, or sitting in silence. 

Comfort Looks Different for Everyone

People find comfort in different ways and in different things. Comfort can be a very intimate thing because it is often molded by loved ones, memories, words, and experiences. Once again, not everyone will find comfort in the same thing so it’s important for us as individuals to find what makes us feel happy and at ease. 

Finding Comfort in Hard Times

When we’re in difficult situations, it feels like things are completely out of our control, we’re completely alone,  and it also might feel like no matter what we do, nothing will fix that. But that is wrong; comfort can be our savior. Surrounding ourselves with friends and family, or even the littlest things that we may enjoy, can be a reminder that things will be okay. When we’re going through hard times, all of our journeys are different, and we all deserve to feel at ease and have a good support system. It’s important to remember that comfort doesn’t just have to be a reclining chair—it can also be a part of a bigger concept that focuses on our mental well-being.


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