While the UIC faculty may not sound exactly like that, some of their reasoning for striking does include pay. Being a freshman here at UIC, I can honestly say I have had some amazing teachers’ aid in my personal and academic development so far. I am stoked for next semester when I will be a sophomore and closer to smaller class sizes. What I was not expecting, was a potential strike happening on this campus. Last semester, I was present at a rally for the United Faculty, an organization constructed by the UIC professors and lecturers, and I was a bit surprised to learn that did UIC and the administration attempt at a peaceful solution to this conflict.
Personally, I hope that a peaceful negotiation can take place here. I believe we have some of the most caring professors and hardworking staff as most other Tier 1 institutions. Additionally, many former CPS students may feel as if this is a “repeat” of high school events that plagued the city. While little has been said by any form of authority, professors, administration, Provost, etc, students are buzzing with anxiety and worry. We all love our professors, even the ones we don’t like, but we also want what is best for everyone. If teachers do strike, how long will classes be cancelled? Will professors be able to do things such as: write recommendations, nominate students for things, or be a part of already set research projects? How will students- especially seniors- feel having some of their schedule pushed back? On the other hand, I have to think of the professors who spent at least a full decade obtaining a Ph.D. What do they deserve? What about the children and families they must provide for? Who wins in a situation like this? It seems to me, that this is one of those “can’t win for losing” situations.