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Welcome Back!!!!

Hello Everybody!!!!!

Welcome back to the Spring semester…I know we are a couple weeks in but I just wanted to make sure everybody got back into the swing of things before welcoming everyone back. I am super happy to be back and I know you all are too because you are working towards bettering your futures which means that you are all eventually going to have all of this:

blog money

Luxury Home

Okay, maybe not all of us will have all of this…some of us might have more, and others, well, not so much, but one could dream right???

Well I wanted to start off this semester by reminding everyone that things will be stressful and things will be hard; things, at one point or another, may seem to be falling apart or seem to be impossible, but I just wanted to let you guys know that you have to push through. Currently I am interning at the Pediatric Department, I am working at a pharmacy, I am blogging for UIC Radio, and I am enrolled in 15 credit hours. I am exhausted already and have turned in three papers and week 3 has not even started yet. I am probably going to cry multiple times this semester and I embrace those tears because I know it will all be worth it when I cross that stage in May.

I want to offer everyone a couple tips to keep your sanity throughout this stressful semester, so listen up:

Make your life easier by getting things done early, so you do not have to stress about them later, in other words: DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!! I know it seems impossible, but trust me, getting things done early can only benefit you. No one ever got into trouble for finishing their work on time, or even early, so do yourselves a favor and take care of business.

The most important thing I recommend, believe it or not, is to have fun. As stressful as things can get, having fun releases tension and stress and allows you to return to your work with a clear mind and open arms (okay maybe not open arms, but you know what I mean). Of course, I only recommend having fun after you have finished everything and did not procrastinate. 🙂

Go see a concert, movie, play or whatever else you are into and unwind. Hang out with friends, take a mini trip, or check out the city that surrounds you. Meet people, be interactive, and stay stress-free. Get your work done but enjoy life. It is so easy for us to burn ourselves out before the semester is even halfway through, so get your homework and studying done early, then head out for a night on the town so your brain stops crying from pain and stress. I wish everyone the best of luck and just know, “this too shall pass.”


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