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we hug now

Eden Joseph

We Hug Now by Sydney Rose is a song that brings a wave of emotion. It stirs a sadness yet fills me with devotion. It's not a love song, but a song of friendship. It's a song that captures how bonds help us cope. In the depths of connection, we find strength and hope.

“And I’m still seventeen.” I often miss those simpler days in high school, when I was 17, senior year. The friendships we built were real, filled with laughter and shared moments. We loved without worries, enjoying every day without the stress of being employed or needing to meet new people or form new friendships. Life was easier back then, and sometimes I wish we could go back to that carefree feeling of just enjoying each moment together.

(Image credit: Pinterest / clemwist)
(Image credit: Pinterest / clemwist)

“When we hug, 'cause we don't hug, we never used to do that.” When we hug, it feels like a world away from those awkward middle school days. Back then, hugs were reserved for the ‘lame emotional kids,’ and the thought of embracing someone made us cringe. But as we’ve grown, we’ve come to realize how deeply we crave connection. Every hug we share now is filled with meaning. 

"I have a feeling you got everything you wanted / And you're not wastin' time stuck here like me. / You're just thinkin' it's a small thing that happened / The world ended when it happened to me.” As I see my friends getting together during their break, their laughter and joy feel so far away. They’re sharing wonderful moments 7,600 miles away while I’m stuck here, feeling alone. It’s not just their distance; it’s like I’m missing out on something important. Even the friends I have nearby seem busy with their own lives, and while I’m truly happy for them and all they’ve achieved, it’s hard not to feel left behind. 

My Spotify sound capsule for the month of March (It's the 11th)
My Spotify sound capsule for the month of March (It's the 11th)


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