Another rainy Tuesday Wish I could stay in bed
But so many classes call my name
For me to do instead
I bike to my 9:30
And try not to fall asleep
I go back to my dorm to work
The homework's piled in heaps
In the afternoon, the rain is pounding
So for class I ditch my bike
And grab my umbrella and a coat
And prepare to make the hike
I walk down the Chicago streets
Watch the rain hit the sidewalk
I pass by cars speeding down the rode
And people as they talk
The rain gets my shoes wet
At least they were dirty anyway
I bought them a couple months ago
And wear them nearly everyday
I glance at a puddle
And know that I should not
But it feels like it's calling out to me,
That little water-spot
A tiny jump and with a splash,
In the water my shoes immerse
Just another rainy Tuesday
And waterlogging my Converse.

(Image credited to Shutterstock)