Hellooooo, I know it has been a while. Unfortunately, I have been very busy, but I am here today to talk about the revival of punk and alternative music, and how these bands' revivals are influencing the fashion and trends we are seeing today!!
2023 is the year of musical comebacks, with artists like Paramore, Fall Out Boy, Pierce The Veil and even Rihanna
(not that she's punk, just important <3 (although she did perform with Fall Out Boy before)) returning after year-long breaks or supposed retirements from the industry. Even the Cure is going on tour for the first time since 2016.
All and all, we can most likely "thank" the political, economic and global conditions we are seeing today. Punk has always been about getting a message out, and people now have things to say.
Music and fashion have always been intertwined, flashing back to my blog about the history behind punk, the musicians are not only influences to their fans stylistically, but by what their music says, how it speaks to them. Finding community in individualism and identity, and signaling so through clothes. As well as dressing for aesthetics ;p.
And now it is time for my biannual report:
With leather, mesh, oversized jackets, unfinished-looking pieces and more being statements in the S/S Fashion shows -- all common clothing in the punk and alternative trends and apparel -- we are seeing a continuation of last semester's forecast, with the music to back it up.
I do believe we will be seeing more color though, Spring and Summer are usually very colorful seasons, moving into punk styles, but this time with color!
Now that Covid rates are lower, partying is all in. With means club clothing and lots of skin, whether through mesh or bare.
Beachwear is also coming in. I predict high tides and long skirts. Linen and flowing skirts, or pants with lots of pockets. Small tops and big bottoms, anything to stay cool. (Especially because it is supposed to hit 80 next week......)

Eventually, these statement pieces spark the minds of high fashion designers, who may equally want to give a statement about the world they see being influenced by punk and alternative culture, maybe even being a part of it. Bits and pieces of these runway collections trickle down into the brand's Ready Wear, available to the public for purchase. Which eventually inspire department store brands, and are then copied and simplified by fast fashion brands for even easier convenience, months and months later.
Another example of this, outside of punk, is Y2K;

RB&B and hip hop were huge in the early 2000s, and the artists were wearing lots of denim, gold, low-cut pants, sweat suits, etc., and over time the public caught on.
Brands like Shein weren't really around then, but H&M and Forever 21 definitely were around, and definitely piggybacked off of these trends.
I personally cannot wait for these styles to become even bigger and for these bands to be back and better than ever. In this post-punk era, I can only think back to middle school me in the 2010s listening to these bands, seeing the culture and wanting to be a part of it all. AND NOW IM SEEING FOB IN JUNE EEEEE!! Anyway-
Thank you so much for reading this week's blog :) I hope you enjoyed it and found it interesting! Have you noticed any of these trends yet?