Let me tell you about the last time I smiled.
It was a long day; the sky was as gloomy as the moment I fell in love.
The birds weren't chirping cheerfully as they normally would.
That's how normally my day should start.
see people say, "Home is where the heart is."
and I must agree,
I start off my mornings with the cold
refreshing sips of my iced coffee.
The smell overwhelmed the cold, dark kitchen.
It's so sweet yet so strong,
filled with emotions pouring out of my mouth as I take long sips.
There, I imagined myself at school. I would be my depressed self, laying my cheeks on the cold, hard reality that I call a classroom.
People say school is a prison.
A hellhole.
Something a devil will make for teens.
But I, on the other hand, have to disagree.
This place makes my dad even better than staying at home in the decomposing rotting bed.
I get it I really do.
But then I won't hear my dear friends' voices. Their bubbly laughter filled the room.
Even if the assignments make me wish, I never stepped foot inside that prison. Pulling my hair out as tears run down my cheeks
Banging my head against the wall...
this isn't a rant to tell you how much I despise school.
I'm here to tell you why I'm still here enjoying life...
My mood just usually changes it's like a light switch
it's either on or off
happy or sad.
thinking about the times when my heart beats with every step I take
every breath I give to show my admiration for my day.
The thought of it being a bad day was such a silly idea. It's a huge waste of an idea.
This is why I love living.
A day of my life filled with happiness.