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Top 5 Albums of 2024! (i think) ((so far))

Sean Juarez

Hello all!

2024 has been an insane year for music, and the color green (laugh track). As the year winds down, I'd like to reflect on a few albums that have captivated my ears. This list is subject to change; there is still much to come (and much to catch up on); this barely scratches the surface of all the amazing projects released this past year.

Note: This is a very "vibes-based" list. These are not reviews per se, just things I like about each. I have no technical understanding of music or what makes it good; I just like what I like!

Without further ado...

#5: BRAT by Charli XCX

This album had to make the list. From the moment "Club classics" was released back in April, I knew this album would be something special. Electronic or dance music is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. It feels too much to play in the presence of others sometimes; luckily, this album took our world by storm. A stand-out track of mine is "Everything is romantic," which I feel I don't hear talked about enough. The mix of violins and bass-y dance beats is a combination I wish more artists would embrace.

#4: CHROMAKOPIA by Tyler, the Creator

Tyler has held a special place in my heart for many years. His 2019 album Igor is permanently cemented in at least my top 10, maybe even top 5, albums of all time. Sadly, as the years have gone by, I have not been as avid of a listener. When I heard about this new album, I was excited, but I wasn't sure if it would hold up. Honestly, for the first listen, it didn't. However, something kept telling me to go back. After about two weeks of this album being out, I can confidently say it is one of my favorites of the year. Songs like "Sticky" and "Balloon" highlight Tyler's playful qualities while being balanced by more reflective and analytical songs like "Take Your Mask Off" and "Hey Jane."

#3: Charm by Clairo

WARNING: CLAIRO SHADE! Not really, not at all, but at this point can we be sure that anything isn't Clairo shade? Like, why is she only number three on this list? She didn't deserve number one? I digress. Clairo's jazz-influenced return to the musicscape took me by surprise. I've always liked Clairo, but a part of me still associated her with the 2020-super-saturated-"indie"-pandemic era (no shade). However, with the release of "Sexy to Someone" over this past summer, I felt like I noticed a shift in her craft. First of all, the song is incredibly relatable: isn't that what everyone wants? Secondly, any song with horns on it will hook me instantly, and there are plenty of horns on this album. Clairo captures the essence of yearning with this project; a feeling I know well and one that is difficult to convey, but she does it! Songs like "Juna" and "Add Up My Love" exemplify this feeling to me. Seeing her live changed what concerts meant to me. Her stage design and the way she interacted with her band felt like I was less in a large concert hall and more like a small, intimate gathering of friends. On a final note, that part in "Echo," maybe in the third chorus where the music cuts out as she sings "goes," then comes back when she sings "nowhere," peak music. Nothing is touching that.

#2: Bright Future by Adrienne Lenker

I knew this year would be huge for indie folk once this album came out. Lenker's lyricism is comparable to few other artists of our generation. She has truly mastered the art of painting with a pen. her instrumentals are very simple, yet her words pack so much of a punch. Take for example the intro track "Real House" talking about the death of her childhood dog. Last year, I took an Intro to Poetry class where I was told never to write a poem about a dead dog; my professor has obviously not met Adrienne Lenker. The song is essentially spoken word, with very soft piano chiming in the back. Normally, this would bore me, but the raw emotion her voice conveys keeps me engaged. Some stand-out tracks for me are "Fool" and "Already Lost". Both convey such a strong feeling of longing but also hope at the same time. With this album, Adrienne Lenker creates a whirlwind of emotions to the tune of beautiful folk rhythms.

And finally....

Drum roll please......

#1: Manning Fireworks by MJ Lenderman

I'm not sure if I can adequately describe why I love this album, I just do. I started listening to MJ Lenderman over the summer and was delighted to hear he would be releasing a new album. "She's Leaving You" went triple platinum in my car before the album even came out. There is such a simplicity to his lyrics that feel like they can apply to just about any moment in my life. His mix of noisy guitars and folkish-countryish riffs hits just the right spot in my brain. The 6 minutes of instrumental at the end of "Bark at the Moon" just shuts my brain off-- in a good way! My favorite track off this album has to be "Rudolph." While I may not know exactly what he is trying to convey, the raw emotion he sings and plays with touches some part of my heart.

Anyways, this has been my list of albums I have loved this year. I hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts; maybe you feel the same!


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