Ever since the Wicked movie came out at the end of last year, I have been completely hooked. Especially to it's amazing soundtrack! As someone who didn't grow up appreciating musicals, and my first experience with Wicked being the movie adaptation, it was really fun to unpack something completely new to me. I literally became OBSESSED with the soundtrack. All I'll say is my friends hate to see me and the Defying Gravity riff coming. So I've decided to do more of a fun and lighthearted post by ranking all of the songs from the movie's soundtrack (since I've yet to fully watch the musical adaptation/act II). There will be some spoilers in this list! Go watch it if you haven't, even if musicals aren't usually your thing! Lets get started!

Universal Pictures
No. 12:
Dear Old Shiz

I feel like this doesn't need much explanation. It's a pretty song with a great ensemble, but it's also very short and is more of an interlude than a full song. Despite that, I'm glad it wasn't forgotten off the soundtrack and that there is actually a way to revisit this piece outside of the movie.
No. 11:
A Sentimental Man

Maybe it's just me not liking the wizard, but I just don't really like this song that much. While it is important for the story and gives the viewer some background on the wizard, which is what makes the events that happen after this point even more surprising. You go the whole movie thinking that the wizard is the answer to anyone's problems, and more importantly Elphaba's, just to realize the wizard is the ultimate fraud who lies to the citizens of Oz in order to stay in control. For this reason, it's pretty integral to the plot but not a standout track in comparison to the others in the soundtrack.
No. 10:
Ozdust Duet

This song is actually a bonus track on it's soundtrack. It's the instrumental that plays during the Ozdust scene between Elphaba and Glinda. It might be surprising to see it this high up, especially because it's just an instrumental. But this song playing at the scene it does just gives it so much extra value. On its own there's not a lot to write home about, but the scene with Elphaba and Glinda is so memorable and emotional that every time I listen to this song, I can feel the emotion and intent of it because of the context of when it plays in the movie. Other than that though, I don't have much else to say about this song.
No. 9:
Something Bad

I have similar feelings to this song as A Sentimental Man, as in this song is important for the story but it's not a notable song outside of that. Only reason I put it higher is because this song is the turning point of the movie where we start the get a real idea of what the actual plot of the movie is about. For those reasons, I decided that it fit well at this spot.
No. 8:
I'm Not That Girl

I really like this song because it's one of the only slower songs/ballads from the soundtrack that I have actually been able to enjoy. Even though Elphaba's situation isn't really possible in real life, you can definitely draw the parallels between the lyrics in the context of Oz's society and ours. Feeling like you and someone else are perfect for each other, but knowing that you aren't the kind of person they envisioned themselves to be with is a very real feeling that most people can relate to. Cynthia Erivo's performance of this song is also just great as usual here. Overall, I do like this song, but it pales in comparison to some of the other tracks coming up.
No. 7:
One Short Day

One Short Day is a really fun song that kind of serves the opposite role than the other songs we've spoken about up to this point. While the other songs have been important but frankly a little boring, this track aims to be more fun and exists mostly for that reason alone. It's the brief joy and happiness of the film before the climax, which makes the left-turn of the plot even more unexpected and affective. When you get to the end of the movie when Glinda and Elphaba have to split ways, it's kind of jarring because they were literally just running though Emerald City having the time of their lives less than 20 minutes ago. Its a nice touch, but also we got a pretty fun song out of it too. No complaints here!
No. 6:
Dancing Through Life

Maybe it's surprising to not see this song higher on this list, but I don't think I like this song as much as others seem to. I totally get the appeal- it's catchy and vibrant with a feel-good message- but I just don't seem to enjoy it as much as I see other people do. That's not to say I think it's a bad song or anything, I just feel like the other songs coming up were better in my opinion.
No. 5:

Another fun song from this soundtrack! Also one of the most well-known songs from the musical. I really like how the song kind of embodies a princess-like sound, it's kind of hard to describe it but you probably get what I mean. I honestly don't have much to say about this song because it's pretty simple, but I do love Ariana Grandes performance here! Really goes to show that she was a great pick for this role.
No. 4:
What Is This Feeling?

This is just a really simple and fun song that can get stuck in your head for hours if you aren't careful. The back and forth dynamic from Elphaba and Glinda in this song is just so cool to see, because even when your just listening to the song on it's own, you still get the sense that they are arguing. And as other people join Glinda in loathing Elphaba, more background singers are added to convey how most people grew to dislike Elphaba just because someone popular did. It also has that cornered feeling that Elphaba probably felt in this moment, as she is the only person singing her lines by herself in this song.
No. 3:
No One Mourns The Wicked

Maybe a controversial take, but this song barely misses the top two for me. I love love love Ariana's vocals in this so much, and this is probably one of (if not) the most important songs in the movie, as it sets up Elphaba's character. I recommend anyone who hasn't relistened to this song after watching the movie to go back and spin it again. You can come up with so many interpretations and theories of the lyrics once you have full context of Elphaba and her story. The most notable difference is Glinda's tone feel so much different after watching all the events play out, it almost sounds like she's barely able to say these things about her friend that she knows was only doing what was best for everyone. There's so many layers to this song, and I could go on and on about it for hours if you let me.
No. 2:
The Wizard And I

I feel like most people wouldn't put this song so high, but I just can't help it. I love Cynthia's interpretation and performance of this song. This version trump the original musical's rendition in almost every way for me. You can really hear the hope in Elphaba's voice, and she truly believes that after everything she's gone through, she will finally get what she's always needed. Knowing that the wizards true intentions were never good in the first place, and that he won't be able to actually help Elphaba with her problems just adds even more depth to the song. Cynthia's added riff to the final lyrics of the song is enough to make this version better than the original. Not to mention the trumpets at the very end which give off vibes of uncertainty to me. I just love everything about this song!
No. 1:
Defying Gravity

Despite how much I loved The Wizard And I, there was no stopping Defying Gravity from taking the number one spot. It's the climax of the story and the main turning point for the plot of the musical, so of course they had to go all-out for it. The old lives of Elphaba and Glinda are long gone at this point, with this song acting as a point of no return for the characters. As Elphaba defies all of Oz and the wizard, while Glinda is forced to sit back and be complacent or risk also being framed as a villain, this song is the perfect rendition for the movie. Not to mention the final riff of the song that completely took over the internet (and me, this song has made me insufferable to be around). Some have pointed out that they don't like how the song continues after the riff, but I actually kind of like it. While it may not be true to the musical, I think it makes sense given that this is a movie adaptation and an abrupt end to the song would have been kind of off-putting. This song also brings back the conflict between Elphaba and Glinda that we hadn't seen since the Ozdust scene, which also creates complicated feelings about whether or not the two are on good terms anymore. All of the tension up to this moment creates a really emotional and heartfelt scene when Glinda has to make the decision to stay behind and let Elphaba go on her own. All of these points really just made the song better in my eyes, and I'll definitely always go back to it.
Wrapping Up

We finally got through all of the songs! This kind of took a while to write haha but I have a lot to say about these songs, cause I just love them so much. I hope you enjoyed reading this weeks Earworm post and I hope you come back to see what I have to say next time!
Earworm ~-~-~o
Thanks for reading!
-Joey :)