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The National at United Center

Nathan Weakley

Last Tuesday, alternative rock band The National played at the United Center. My friend and I sat up in the nosebleeds, and I had the time of my life. The National is one of my favorite bands; their 2007 album Boxer has been fused to my DNA since high school. Seeing them live was a life-affirming experience.

Supposedly, The War on Drugs opened. I’ve heard great things about them, but life is short, and time moves fast, and I chose not to attend. We made it past security and into the United Center around nine o’clock, fifteen minutes or so before The National took the stage. The stadium was nearly full– a much bigger turnout than I’d expected. Sadness is universal. The crowd looked very regular. 

I’ll admit I only knew about half of the songs they played. Beyond Boxer and Alligator, my knowledge of the band is limited. But the ones I did know were beautiful, life-changing, and mind-altering. “Mr. November” means more to me than I can communicate, and to see it played live was an experience worth so much more than the eighteen dollars I paid for the ticket. It was perfect. So were “Bloodbuzz Ohio” and “I Need My Girl.” Matt Beringer’s shaky baritone voice rang through the United Center and filled our minds with color. Davy said he looked taller, but he couldn’t get his head around it. When I listen to anything by The National, I am fully convinced– I believe every word from the singer’s mouth. You can’t lie in a voice like that. It’s too powerful.

The official set’s last song was “Fake Empire,” the only Boxer track of the night. I was grateful to hear it. After a short pause, they returned for an encore and played some slower songs, including the heart-rending early ballad “About Today.” Finally, the band put up their instruments and raised the lights as Matt Beringer held the microphone to the crowd for a sing-along of "Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks.” It was a wonderful end to a wonderful night.

I have listened to the National for years and will listen to them tomorrow and the next day. But seeing them live was a unique experience, and I am thankful for the United Center, the National, and music in general.


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