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The Daily Blend’s March Top Ten 2018

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Yo, people of the internet! I am BACK for the month, and I’m so excited for this blog. March is one of my favorite months of the year, and this year’s March just happened to be an amazing month for music!

With everything that is played on my show, you all probably think I have way too much happening in the skull area of my body. So, I want to give everyone a little insight as to what’s going on in my brain, without having to look at the “Recently Played” section on my Spotify. The solution I came to was to tell everyone about the hidden (and not so hidden) gems in my music library for the month. Some of the music I post will be at the top of charts, some of the music won’t be your style, some will be a band’s biggest hit that I’ve just been happening to listen to a lot, and some will be completely unknown to you!

So, to start it off, here’s just a couple of my favorite artists for March, a little bit about them, and some song suggestions:

  1. Chase Atlantic (Electronic/Pop/Hip-Hop Vibe/Rock-ish Kind of??)

Okay, so I have officially determined that I have no idea how to describe a band’s sound but let me just try and explain. This band literally sounds like anything on the radio (like listen to the number one song on the list (Swim), and you’ll see exactly what I mean), but they have a total rock vibe if you look past the trap beats and pop sound (try the first suggested song down below). I’ve honestly not heard anything like these guys before. I have seriously been meaning to listen to them for a while and didn’t get around to it until this month, but man, I should have totally done it earlier. They’re AMAZING, so give them a shot!

Song suggestions: “Friends,” “Roxanne,” “The Walls”

  1. Panic! At The Disco (Alternative Rock)

I owe so much to Panic!, like literally EVERYTHING I listen to now is because I started listening to Panic! when I was around 13. Panic! led into all of these different bands that I absolutely love now, and I’m so thankful for that. But since they released their most recent album back in 2015, I haven’t really listened to them. Just recently, I started rekindling my love for Panic! and I suggest you all do the same, because I know all of y’all had an emo phase where you listened to AFYCSO all of the time. Also, they just released two new songs and announced a new album this month, so that’s even more of an excuse to listen to them!

Song suggestions: “Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks,” “The Calendar,” “Do You Know What I’m Seeing?”

  1. Daughtry (Southern Rock)

American Idol who?? I think a lot of people forget that Daughtry started on Idol, but he’s one of the few Idol contestants that actually made a music career, even though he didn’t even win the competition! I grew up listening to Daughtry, and I’m gonna be honest, I kind of forgot about him. BUT about halfway through this month I started to listen to him again and I am SO happy I did! I forgot how much I love his music! P.S. Mom if you’re reading this, we should go see Daughtry live.

Song suggestions: “Maybe We’re Already Gone,” “One Last Chance,” “Crashed”

  1. My Chemical Romance (Alternative Rock)

1. I just want to make it clear that I have loved MCR for many years now, this isn’t a recent thing. 2. I haven’t listened to them much over the past year or so AND I HAVE NO EXCUSE AS TO WHY. 3. I feel it’s appropriate to put them on the list seeing as this month was the five-year anniversary of their breakup. 4. No matter who you are or what music you like, I promise you’ll have a special place in your heart for these songs. 5. I’m really hoping that y’all can ignore this suggestion because you already listen to these legends, but ya know…

Song suggestions: “I Never Told You What I Do For A Living,” “The Light Behind Your Eyes,” “Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back”

  1. The High Kings (Irish)

I TOLD YOU GUYS ON THE LAST BLOG, IT’S MARCH! MARCH MEANS IRISH MUSIC! This is one of my favorite Irish bands, I think they’re SUPER talented! I almost saw them at Milwaukee Irish Fest this past summer, but I happened to be performing at the same time so I only got to hear their set, not see it. But trust me, I have plenty of Irish music by them to keep me happy. For next March, try putting these songs on your St. Patrick’s Day playlist.

Song suggestions: “The Rocky Road to Dublin,” “Town I Loved So Well,” “Ireland’s Shore”

  1. Logic (Rap)

He’s back on the list, guys! And I really hope you guys know why. If you’ve been living under a rock for the past month, then let me just enlighten you by letting you know that he released a new mixtape this month, and I just want to say how amazing it is. Why is it that literally everything he releases is amazing?? It frustrates me. Yet, even though it makes me mad how talented he is, I can’t stop listening to his music. Go listen to his new release if you haven’t yet!

Song suggestions: “State of Emergency (feat. 2 Chainz),” “44 More,” “Wizard of Oz”

  1. Davy Spillane (Irish)

Who in the world would have thought that uilleann pipes would have made it on my list? Basically, uilleann pipes are Irish bagpipes, and they sound BEAUTIFUL! My dad told me about this guy and how he plays the uilleann pipes, and pretty much said I need to listen to him. So, I did. And I’m very glad I did because everything sounds SO good! If you’re into weird music no one’s ever heard of, this is your guy.

Song suggestions: “Boulavogue/Mrs. McLeod,” “Midnight Walker,” “By the River of Gems”

  1. I Prevail (Hard Rock)

I have probably the strangest feelings about this band. I found out about them from a friend back in like 2015 or 2016 and loved them right away. But since I found them, I’ve been going on and off with how much I listen to them! I haven’t really listened to them since I saw them live for the first time back in July of 2017, and just recently started listening to them again. All of their songs are amazing so I would definitely suggest them!

Song suggestions: “Crossroads,” “Alone,” “Deceivers”

  1. Dropkick Murphys (Irish Rock)

Everyone knows “I’m Shipping Up To Boston,” (if you think you don’t, look it up on YouTube, I promise you do) but not a lot of people really knows other songs! Please do yourself a favor and listen to the suggested songs below because they’re so good and deserve to be heard!

Song suggestions: “Rose Tattoo,” “(F)lannigan’s Ball,” “The Green Fields of France (No Man’s Land)”

  1. Fall Out Boy (Alternative Rock)

I love Fall Out Boy. No further explanation necessary.

Song suggestions: “Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea,” “Tiffany Blews,” “The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes”

Now we go on to the top tracks of March:

  1. “Swim,” – Chase Atlantic (Chase Atlantic, 2017)

  2. “Casual Affair,” – Panic! At The Disco (Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die, 2013)

  3. “September,” – Daughtry (Leave This Town, 2009)

  4. “ocean eyes,” – Billie Eilish (dont smile at me, 2017)

  5. “Lament for the Dead of the North,” – Davy Spillane (Lament, 1992)

  6. “How,” – The Neighbourhood (I Love You., 2013)

  7. “The State of Massachusetts,” – Dropkick Murphys (The Meanest of Times, 2007)

  8. “Straight Jacket,” – Theory of a Deadman (Wake Up Call, 2017)

  9. “The Departure,” – Falling in Reverse (Coming Home, 2017)

  10. “TANTRUM,” – Waterparks (Entertainment, 2018)

Aaaaaaand finally, the killer albums of March:

  1. “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge,” – My Chemical Romance (2004)

  2. “Daughtry,” – Daughtry (2006)

  3. “Chase Atlantic,” – Chase Atlantic (2017)

  4. “Bobby Tarantino II,” – Logic (2018)

  5. “Vices & Virtues,” – Panic! At The Disco (2011)

  6. “The High Kings,” – The High Kings (2008)

  7. “Heart vs. Mind,” – I Prevail (2014)

  8. “The Warrior’s Code,” – Dropkick Murphys (2005)

  9. “Infinity on High,” – Fall Out Boy (2007)

  10. “Day One,” – From Ashes to New (2016)

With all of that being said, if you have something you think is “Top Ten” quality, follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter and shoot me a message! I’d love to take requests, and if I love the artist/album/song enough, it just might make it on my list!

Instagram: samanthaxoxo___ (that’s 3 underscores :D)

Twitter: samanthacxoxo_

See ya next month!

#writing #Opinion #billieeilish #DropkickMurphys #tooweirdtolivetoraretodie #vicesandvirtues #vicesampvirtues #davyspillane #trtltrtd #dontsmileatme #Electronic #MyChemicalRomance #hiphop #lamentforthedeadofthenorth #march #fatn #theoryofadeadman #fir #panicatthedisco #Rock #pop #fob #mcr #radio #blogging #rap #thestateofmassachusetts #leavethistown #thewarriorscode #thehighkings #heartvsmind #swim #irishrock #americanidol #altrock #patd #thedeparture #logic #alternative #cominghome #advice #bobbytarantino #dayone #threecheersforsweetrevenge #blog #entertainment #Iprevail #how #Music #straightjacket #Iloveyou #themeanestoftimes #hardrock #tantrum #oceaneyes #september #lament #media #life #TheNeighbourhood #Irish #bobbytarantinoii #wakeupcall #alternativerock #fallinginreverse #daughtry #chaseatlantic #infinityonhigh #fromashestonew #toadm #waterparks #southernrock #HipHop #falloutboy #casualaffair #broken #Fun


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