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Anisha Batchu

The Attraction Reaction: From Chemistry to Connection

Have you ever met a person who you had an instant connection with from the start? From butterflies in your stomach to the pull you feel with someone close to you, attraction is a powerful force that weaves its way into our lives, shaping our interactions and behaviors. So, what really drives us to seek connections with others? 

We’ve all heard the saying “opposites attract,” but research proves that we are more drawn to people who are similar to us. When we encounter people with similar interests, backgrounds, values, etc., we tend to feel more at ease with them, which can lead to a feeling of belonging. The psychological phenomenon called the mere exposure effect suggests that the more we are exposed to a person or thing, the more we tend to like that person/thing. 

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Attraction begins with a chemical reaction. When we are happy, our bodies release dopamine, a “feel good” hormone, causing feelings of happiness and excitement and putting us at ease with that specific person. Pheromones are other chemical signals unconsciously released in our body; these scent molecules can communicate information about health, genetics, compatibility, etc., providing a biological perspective on attraction. 

Attraction is a complex blend of familiarity and new experiences, creating deeper relationships. It’s shaped by chemistry, passion, and shared experiences, bringing color and excitement into our lives. 


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