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Tae Brown – 4 Chi City Radio’s Featured Artist


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Poetry is often a place where Hip Hop artists start out in sharpening lyrical skills. Chi City artist Tae Brown found his place in poetry at the young age of 13. He went from competing and winning poetry slams, to finding his place in the world of Hip Hop. Taking his love for both Hip Hop and poetry, Tae Brown goes forward in reaching his dreams in music, and representing his hometown along the way.

I got a chance to chat with Tae Brown, check the interview below.

B Roc – Name your top five favorite artists? Tae Brown – My top five artist are:  J Cole  Jay Z Drake Elton John Kendrick Lamar

B Roc – What inspired you to become a Hip Hop artist/ songwriter? Tae Brown – Before I had a passion for making music I was a poet. I started writing poetry my freshmen year of high school. I was convinced by my english teacher to perform in the school’s poetry slam. My sophomore year of  high school I entered, and I won. I came in first place and they extended me an invitation to be a part of their group, and I accepted. I would perform with the group at different sets throughout Chicago. I also performed at my high school’s annual poetry slam. I performed from my freshmen year to my senior year. And I was still working on my music as a Hip Hop artist. I would write through out the week and record on the weekends. I found my passion for making music my freshmen year as well. I was doing both simultaneously at one point in time. But music is something I’ve always had a passion for.

B Roc – Tell us about one of your biggest accomplishments as an artist? Or most memorable moment. Tae Brown – My biggest accomplishment is getting my music on iTunes, and Spotify. That was a very dope experience to see my work on recognized sites.

B Roc – What is something you want people to know about you as an artist? Tae Brown – I try to not follow the trends in music. I like to make music that portrays who I am.  Since I don’t follow trends I feel like my music doesn’t catch on as quick because people only listen to what’s catchy and not a artist who is talented.

B Roc – What do you hate & what do you love about Chicago? Tae Brown – What i dislike about Chicago is how everybody is only for themselves. Nobody wants to see the next man do better than them. So coming from a city like that, you have to build a lot of relationships to be successful. I do like how much talent is in the city, Chicago has a lot of talented individuals and I wish everybody could see that.

B Roc – Who would you like to collab with? Tae Brown – I definitely would like to collab with Dr. Dre and J. Cole. I feel me being exposed to two musically inclined artists like that could help take my music to the next level.

Thanks for ROCKIN wit me!!! IG @rockwitb_roc @4chi_cityradio 4 CHI CITY RADIO: Hosted by B ROC

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