As most people know by now, Jimmy Fallon, new host of “The Tonight Show,” has agreed to take part in Chicago’s annual Polar Plunge this coming Sunday, March 2nd.
How did this come about, you might ask?
After Jimmy Fallon announced that he would like to have Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on “The Tonight Show,” M-Rahm countered his offer by challenging the TV show host to take the Polar Plunge with him in exchange for his appearance on the show.
After several tweets back and forth the challenge was accepted, and Fallon, who hashtagged himself as #SwimmyFallon, will be taking a dip into the not-so-warm Lake Michigan at North Avenue Beach wearing a suit and tie, apparently.
This seems like a win/win situation for both parties. Mayor Emanuel raises money for charity and casts the spotlight on good ol’ Chicago, and Fallon gets free publicity for his new show. Dive in!
…By the way, Jimmy, the predicted temperature for this Sunday is a high of 25 degrees, with “blustery, snowy periods and cold,” according to our dear Tom Skilling. Might wanna wear a wet suit under that suit and tie.
The Chicago Polar Plunge will take place on Sunday, March 2nd at North Avenue Beach between 10 am and noon. This event benefits the Special Olympics, with over 2,300 people who jumped into Lake Michigan last year. More information about fundraising and registration can be found on the organization’s Facebook page here.
You can watch Fallon’s reaction to discovering what the Polar Plunge actually is here.