We all should know by now that award shows are absolute garbage. Something that should be held to recognize achievements and events within the music industry as a whole, ends up only going to the top precenters and completely disregards underground and/or independent artists. And not to mention, a large amount of the people behind the scenes of these shows are either racist or sexist. Or both.
Frank Ocean showed his disapproval of award shows when he chose to abstain from the 2017 Grammy Award Show. Ocean said, “I think the infrastructure of the awarding system and the nomination system and screening system is dated. I’d rather this be my Colin Kaepernick moment for the Grammys than sit there in the audience.”
And I completely agree with his statement and the action he chose to make.
But even though I already know that award shows are a joke, I still couldn’t help but to be irked when the American Music Awards revealed their nominations today and presented a disappointing amount of female nominees.
Not a single female artist was nominated for the following categories:
Artist of the Year
Collab of the Year
Best Duo / Group
Best Pop Album
Tour of the Year
Video of the Year
There are so many incredible female artists, in the mainstream and underground music scene, who have been delivering an abundance of talent this year, but are going unrecognized. The lack of appreciation for these ladies in the simplest term is: frustrating.
Confident women expressing themselves is empowering and is something we need to pay more attention to.
With that being said, here are some female musicians I think everyone should check and support, because they truly deserve it:
1) Abra:

Abra is an R&B musician from Georgia, currently signed to Awful Records. Her music consists of shadowy, reverb-heavy hooks, and slick vocals. You can find Abra and her music here:
twitter – https://twitter.com/abra
2) Allie X:

Allie X is an iconic dark pop singer and songwriter from Canada. Her electropop music contains an edgy and moody vibe. She has power vocals and a witchy aesthetic and you can find her and her music here:
twitter – https://twitter.com/alliex
3) Léon:

Léon is an indie-pop singer from Sweden. She has a soft sound that gives off a sense of nostalgia. You can find Léon and her music here:
twitter – https://twitter.com/itsleonleon
4) Bishop Briggs:

Bishop Briggs is a British musician. Her alt-rock sound contains some pop sensibility which sets her apart from other artists. You can find Bishop Briggs and her music here:
twitter – https://twitter.com/thatgirlbishop
5) Banks:

Banks is an American musician whose sound can be described as alternative pop crossed with R&B. Her vocals are haunting yet honey like, and you can find her and her music here:
twitter – https://twitter.com/hernameisbanks
6) Little Simz:

Little Simz is a British rapper. Her music drips with confidence, with soul beats and a philosophical expression. You can find Little Simz and her music here:
twitter – https://twitter.com/LittleSimz
Obviously there are so many more female musicians who deserve recognition, but these are just some of my favorites. PLEASE continue to support female artists and females in general; we deserve better.
My name is Tara and I put out articles for UIC Radio every Thursday. I’m a communication and professional writing major at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and I own two pairs of crocs. If you want to keep up with my saucy life you can follow me here:
twitter – https://twitter.com/tarabolar
instagram – https://www.instagram.com/tarabolar/