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Starbomb: The Tryforce-Album Review


Posted on April 24, 2019


Starbomb TwitterThe guys of Starbomb (From left: Danny Sexbang, Brian Wecht, and Egoraptor).

The comedy band, Starbomb released their final album, the Tryforce, after four years!

Starbomb fanart

skyblitzhart on Tumblr

This past weekend, the newest (and probably final) Starbomb album was released! For those of you unfamiliar, Starbomb is a comedy band consisting of Arin “Egoraptor” Hanson, Danny “Sexband” Avidan, and “Ninja” Brian Wecht. Arin and Danny are also the two hosts of Game Grumps on YouTube, and Danny and Brian also have their own comedy band, Ninja Sex Party. This album also features the musical stylings of TWRP (TupperWare Remix Party). Their newest album, The Tryforce, came out this past friday (it was a good friday indeed). It sounds like it’s unfortunately going to be the last Starbomb album, but at least they left us with three albums of tasty jams. Let’s get into the songs on the newest album! (Also, this band is definitely not for people who don’t like excessive amounts of swearing and vulgar things, because there’s a lot of it).

Starbomb and TWRP

bethkerner on Tumblr

Intro (Try): This is exactly as it sounds. Its Arin and Dan thanking the fans, and introducing the album, and apologizing about it taking four years to make. They also thank the games they parody for not suing them.

Hardest F**king Game in the World: This song is about the video game Dark Souls, which from what I have seen/heard, it’s a hard game. Danny and Arin in the song rap about their frustrations with the game, and what they’ve done to get their rage out. The song ends with them getting excited about the new DLC.

A Boy and His Boat: This song is about Link and the boat he rides to one of his many journeys. It starts off with references to some of his games, and then later he collects so much stuff to help him on his journey, he eventually breaks his back (thanks boat!)! It’s a joke, but also serious, and a great song! Check out the animated music video here:

Filling in the Name Of: This song has a Beastie Boys vibe. It’s about Tetris. Specifically about the long piece in Tetris, and getting requests from various people in their life about filling about the space the long piece fits. They eventually get mad, as that’s the whole reason people want to see them. It’s the long piece reaction, and is an angsty song.

Welcome to the Mario Party: This song is from the perspective of everyone’s favorite plumber, Mario, and the party he throws at his mansion. It features characters from the Mario-verse, and other Nintendo characters. It’s very electronic, and definitely one of my favorites from this album (even if Luigi isn’t invited…rude Mario). The song is amazing! This song should also play in all the clubs. Also, Bulbasaur playing a bass solo is something I didn’t know I needed. Check out the animated music video here:

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Skit: This “song” is the boys acting out a skit based on the game created by people at Game Grumps, and pimping out the game in a skit. It’s pretty funny.

Donkey Kong Jooyner: This is a song from the perspective of Donkey Kong, telling his son, Donkey Kong Jr, life lessons he should know. However, Donkey Kong Jr. is pretty dumb, and acts like it throughout the song. This song definitely grew on me the more I listened to it.

The Tryforce

The Tryforce album art

A Wild Guitar Solo Appears!: This is from the perspective of Ash Ketchum and makes references to past songs. Pikachu now is a master guitar player, and Ash and Brock try to make him a champion fighter again, instead of being a famous guitar soloist. Honestly, Pikachu’s guitar skills are off the charts!

The Simple Plot Of Kindgom Hearts: Don’t let the title fool you, there is nothing simple about this plot, and the host knows that. It’s similar to the two others from previous albums, with the host even more mad than usual. This features Sora from Kingdom Hearts rapping about what his game is about, in a not so simple way. This is another one of my favorites on this album!!

Arin Checks the Mic: This song is exactly as it sounds. It’s Arin freestyling and checking the mic.

Blowing the Payload: It’s a song about Overwatch. The Overwatch crew spends their days helping out different people, but end up just creating more chaos. (They may end up killing an old woman…) Another song with a Beastie Boys feel. This was the first song that released from the album, and the moment I knew it was gonna be good! Check out the animated music video here:

Vegeta’s Serenade: This song is a song Vegeta writes for Bulma, with the help of his son. Instead of a game parody, its a Dragon Ball parody, and still amazing. It’s a love song, and here is the first time you get to really hear Arin’s singing voice, instead of rapping, and it’s honestly incredible. Arin and Dan’s harmonies in this work so well together, and this song is another fave!

This Song Sucks: The title is misleading, as the song does not suck. Its a song about all the rejected song ideas. (One of them being Assassins Creed, a song about butts, and I’m bummed it was never made, i would’ve loved that song). There is also a Sonic Boom joke thrown in there! This song is my number 1 favorite on this album! It’s the last song on the (possible) last Starbomb album, and truly goes out with a bang.

Outro (Force): This is the outro to the album, thanking the fans for one more album, with Arin giving us one more rap for the road!

Bulbasaur guitar solo

Bulbasaur shredding on the guitar!

Rating: 9/10 This album is amazing, and I’m so glad we got a new album after 4 years, even if it is the final album. There are some major jams on here, and the more I listen to it, the more i love it (and Player Select, their second album, is still my fave). Thanks for another great album, Starbomb!

If y’all are interested, follow me on the following social media sites: Twitter: @ohthatgirlanna Instagram: @theepenguinqueen



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