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Star Wars VII Trailer Release on November 28


A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far from here (well, yeah.. here), all the Star Wars fans united to watch the much anticipated trailer for the most anticipated movie of next year. Yes, that’s right, a new episode of the fantastic Star Wars Franchise being made and guess what! You can watch the trailer in 2 days!

The trailer of episode seven of the franchise is finally going to be here on November 28th! …In select theaters. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is scheduled to debut its first trailer in select Regal theaters throughout the country on November 28th. You can find the theater near you here:

So, after all of your Thanksgiving festivities, I suggest we all grab our families and head on down to these theaters so we can see once and for all what this new film is going to be about. As of now, all we have are unconfirmed findings, but here they are:

October 30th of 2012 (that year we all thought we were going to die) Star Wars fans were given a miracle when Lucasfilm and Disney decided, “Let’s go for it,” and decided to continue one of the highest grossing franchises of all time. Here’s some pretty cool artwork for the film:


Along with the new look for the Storm Troopers:


The film is being directed by J.J. Abrams who has also directed Star TrekStar Trek: Into Darknessand Super 8 to name a few. The cast of the film features many actors that were in the original films including the main stars of the original films:  Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill. The plot of the new film is rumored to focus on three entirely new characters and will take place thirty years after the last episode VI Return of the Jedi. These three characters have also been rumored to be the offspring of Han Solo and Leia, but we have yet to see if this is confirmed any time soon.

The release date of the film is December 18th, 2015. So, almost a year from now we will all be waiting in line already for the (hopefully) spectacular film!


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