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Spring-time Chi


Hi Readers!

For those of you reading who are not from Chicago, I just wanted to expand on an important aspect of Chicago culture. Unlike Chicago Dibs which takes place in winter, let’s just call this: “Spring-time Chi“.

This, my friends, is the post-hibernation phenomenon the city of Chicago embarks on as soon as we get into 30 degree whether.

Spring-time Chi” is the little moment in time when our snow and ice packed streets suddenly disappear. It is post-slushiness as well. It is when we can finally see the Sears/ Willis Tower without any fog hovering over the skyline. It is the time when we wake up and smell the flowers – instead of smelling the coffee or hot cocoa…or tea (whichever woke you up in the winter).

spring time chi

Once Chicagoans get a little bit of this:

7 day forecast

we start acting like this:

or this:

and this:

while dressing like:


It is clear that there is often confusion on how to dress while partaking in this seasonal change, but one great thing we do appreciate is that extra hour of sunlight. Speaking of sunlight, here’s a little spring-time music to appreciate daylight savings time:

For students who are reading this, this is a public service announcement: IT IS JACKET AND SWEATER WEATHER! 😀 No more boots with the fur!  Additionally, we need to keep working hard to earn a great spring break! We are so close! Once we get to spring break we can do a little of this:


While we listen to this:

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