Greetings humans,
I am back. If you don’t know who I am uhhhh have you been living under a rock?? Helloooo??? I’m just kidding, I consider myself very niche so if you are reading this you are very much mysterious, underground, all those cool adjectives.
Anyways, I haven’t been doing much since break or the start of school. I mean, I am exercising more, but my diet…. uh let’s not talk about it heheh.
What shall we talk about today……I think we should talk about the weather.
IT IS SO COLD. LIKE WHY?? I mean, I think we got used to the warmer temperatures from global warming, so I guess the cold weather is a good thing especially cus it is winter yk.
In other good news, I know how to bake cookies that are TO DIEEEE FOR. Not literally but yk you get the ideaaaa. I have baked them like twice a week since break and they just keep getting bettterrrr.
Okay, I will leave my blog at that. stay warm and stay safe!! (also, watch XO Kitty on Netflix if you like cringy slow burn stuff).
