I recently discovered something that confirmed what I have been thinking about. According to some articles I found online, it appears that listening to sad music can actually make you feel better. Deep down, I already knew this, but what sent me to ask Google for a second opinion was the thought of people who aren’t able to experience those ‘feel better’ emotions.
I know we were all told not to trust Google when looking for information, but I still found myself constantly stumbling upon articles and blogs that come from people who do nothing more than just share their experiences. It’s also nice to learn a little something from other people, which is what brought me to write about this topic, which was also inspired by my Google search: "sad music can be good."
Before I sum up what I’ve gathered from my Google search, I would like to describe how ‘sad’ music makes me feel. For me, sad music is like listening to someone describe how you feel but also amplify it with drums, guitars, keyboards, and their voice, of course. It is like the artists themselves say, ‘I know what you’re feeling, so let me turn it into a song so you can let it all out.' While happy and upbeat tunes may be the answer to somebody’s bad day, I actually find that that kind of music is telling me my emotions are silly. This can be compared to telling someone you're having a bad day and only getting "don’t worry, be happy" as a response. No one enjoys harboring many negative and emotionally charged feelings because 1) it’s not very healthy, and 2) there is only so much we can keep inside our minds. Therefore, being able to hear people sing your emotions and put them into words and sounds is what brings people a step closer to a clear mind. Whatever one may be going through that just so happens to be a heartbreak or perhaps a bad day, just turn on some sad music because before you know it, your negative emotions will eventually drift away.
What I’ve gathered from a few blogs and articles is that sad music not only makes people feel better, but it also surprisingly takes them to a positive headspace. For instance, when someone hears a sad song, they are immediately brought back to a time in their life where they were happy. Sad music is able to produce nostalgia, which is why people enjoy listening to it since it's quite a personal experience. I can agree with this notion because there have been certain songs that take me back to my childhood or even a few years ago, where I made some happy memories with friends and family. Although sad music may not appear to be a solution from far away, take a moment to listen to the words and the way the guitar sways or the drums vibrate because this is what enters your mind to push out those bad vibes. It truly does settle all things negative, which is why heartfelt songs touch many souls. In the end, it's okay to feel sad or down because we are all humans and there are others—like those pictured above—who have felt your same emotions!
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