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Riot GRRRL is a punk movement born out of desperation for a safe space for non-men in the punk scene. Punk is inherently do-it-yourself (DIY), it is anti-status quo and aims to contribute through any means available to them. The Riot GRRRLs used this framework to create a creative culture that places emphasis on accessible contribution.

Riot Grrrl Nostalgia Zine Grab Bag TWO - Etsy

The birth of the term Riot GRRRL was through zines that were created by their creative co-leader in the revolution Tobi Vail. The revolution of Riot GRRL Women began creating ‘zines’,  short for magazines or fanzines.

Zines are composed of a sheet of paper folded to create a mini-magazine that

would expose the abuse faced by male counterparts in not just the punk scene, but in their everyday life. They would expose issues faced by women on a daily basis and would call to action and incite social change. They could also be just fun crafts and hold contents of songs, artwork and thoughts!

Because of their means of production, they are inherently meant to be circulated at a small scale level. This means adhering to the original Punk mantra of being anti-status quo, alienated and spreading your message through nontraditional, DIY means.

Below is a step-by-step tool to help you make your own zines! Additionally, check out this zine made for the series (ZINE DOWNLOAD)! Please feel free to download & distribute at your ease and partake in the movement. If you feel the creative bug there is also a guide to making zines attached.

Please enjoy your debut into Riot GRRRL culture and I will see you next week to talk about Riot GRRRLs getting political and where we see the impact of Riot GRRRLs in current culture! If you make any zines make sure to share them to UIC RADIO through @UICRADIO on Twitter and Instagram & to @TWOFACEDRADIO on Twitter and Instagram! If you want to talk about anything you learned through this series make sure to tune in, call in or contact @TWOFACEDRADIO every Thursday at 5-6pmCST!

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