I once wrote about spring because I thought it would be something significant
I couldn't help but let the season encapsulate the energy I wished to receive
I wanted to be light and hopeful and new
I had hoped one day things would work out, one day this would all make sense
When spring was over, so was everything I had spent so much time wishing to work
Time moved fast, but it didn't let me forget, the moment, the person, the poem, haunting me like living ghosts
I would never admit that one spring would wreck me
nor did I really believe that it really could
I am there again in the park, and the trees look just like they did the year before
And the same family is walking their now toddler around the park
And I'm older too
Suddenly I didn't need the sun to show me the warmth that I was so desperately trying to surface last year
This year I met my friends in the park on the first beautiful day of spring and I'm not thinking about anything else
The sky is just as blue and beautiful
And the planes still make their routes across the hole the trees leave in the sky
This year it's warmer, and the company is astonishingly beautiful
So I sit with my friends
And I let the sun and the blue sky and this beautiful day wash over me
And finally I think I'm ready for spring.