Friends come and go.
What a cliche.
I wish it wasn't.
I wish all my friends
we're always and evermore my friends.
But they can't be.
and they aren't.
I wish I could tell them all.
That my Love didn't go anywhere.
But I can't.
and I won't.
And I don't know why for sure
but maybe it's because
in my head
we're all still kids.
Oh my dear friend
my Love didn't go anywhere I swear.
It's still bottled up in my chest.
I'll forever be your playground sidekick.
I'll forever be your shoulder to lean on.
Oh there aren't enough hours in a day
and enough years in a lifetime
to show you that
My Love didn't go anywhere.
And yet still
I'm unable to recognize when a page is turning.
This vicious cycle of silent goodbyes.
That must be
yes! yes! yes!
that must be!
Why we constructed these milestones.
Graduations and Birthdays.
All for me to text you once a year
A few times a lifetime
and hopefully remind you
that my Love didn't go anywhere.
Oh my dear friend my Love didn't go anywhere.
