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Reconnecting With Nature Recharges the Soul



We’ve all been at a place in our life where we need a pick me up to feel refreshed and alive. Sometimes coffee, music, or just being enclosed in our own rooms isn’t enough to satisfy the craving of a fresh, clear mind. It may get us through tough days, but there is something greater that will cure that zombie-like feeling caused by either school, work, or just plain old life in general.

The key to getting out of the slump? Nature. It is free and available to every single one of us. The solution to getting out of rock bottom is right outside wherever you may be.

Most of us are stuck in the cycle of waking up, eating, and going to school or work. But with sleeping, we don’t always have the time to stop and do something different for ourselves. When I finally find the time to go shopping or hang out with friends, I can’t help but feel like it isn’t enough of a recharge for myself. Often because these things only happen during the weekend.

Thankfully, us students and people with jobs are able to enjoy vacations during the holidays. But who wants to wait months for a break from our current stressors?

Let me introduce you to a magical serene place here in Illinois called Starved Rock State Park. When I had the opportunity to visit Starved Rock, at first I thought it was going to be very tiring because of the hiking that’s common there. Now that I’ve visited Starved Rock several times, I can say that it is way more than just hiking.

There is something special about putting your phone down to be physically present in nature. It is simply soothing to the soul because nature is untouched by man — which can really help someone appreciate the little things in life.

As soon as I returned home from Starved Rock, this may sound dramatic, but I felt reborn. My thoughts became clearer, my spirits were high, and I was basically ready to tackle any obstacles that dared come my way. Starved Rock is truly Illinois’ little luxury to separate us from the noisy crowded city. I could seriously write a whole book about how nature heals the soul, maybe they’re already out there. I sincerely urge whoever is feeling off or ‘dead inside’  to visit Starved Rock State Park. Once you get the opportunity to visit Starved Rock, I guarantee that you’ll feel the rejuvenation into your soul.


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