“fourth of july”
a salesman’s best
who doesn’t know
what they’re selling
and a thief’s best
to pay double in
somebody else’s money
i wish they still
shot off fireworks
in the countryside
like they used to
i wish for so many
things, but all i’ve
got’s a ghost in
the passenger seat
who told me two
years ago tonight
that i’d better do
something criminal
or else put a good
crook’s eye to waste
but i stole more than
just candy and
keys; i stole my
voice, my thoughts,
my poems; i stole
the very skin i live in
and i’ll drive this
stolen car, searching
for fireworks, until i
can call it my own and
forget that I’m lying
but i’m too late for
the party, near midnight;
it’s the fourth of July
and everything’s quiet–
the sky’s fallen into
a great hollow black
and I know now
better than I’ve ever
known that, yes,
everything’s been
stolen; but this time,
it wasn’t me who did it
“let down”
for a moment we both die,
and the road of broken
brother’s keepers lies
like a rabbit shot dead;
give me shelter from the cold
for one more night
while his living spirit
dances weightless, broken fingers
strum his tearful song
and the words amount to
some hosanna; free me from this
skin and right my wrongs