since the day you left
i still talk to you
through whispers or out loud
;in the car
;on the train
;walking home
;minutes before i go to sleep
to this day
i still imagine you
i imagine our dialogue
i play both our parts
i say everything i wanted you to say back then
i reply to you with no effort or sighs
endless conversations just the two of us
but what if you come back
i’ve forgotten your voice
i can’t picture your eyes anymore
your scent comes and goes
it all started to fade
you slowly started to disappear
how do i really talk to you
our conversations went wrong
i think of hundreds scenarios
;of beginning words if we were to reconnect
;of apology words that sound like iloveyou
;of last words if we were to truly part ways
in realization that i was speaking alone
it was easier when you were apart of my imagination
- vsv