In my solitude, my bed becomes a casket
cradling the phantoms once called dreams.
Palace of comfort or prison of chaos-
haunted by the time I so easily waste,
even when I desperately will myself not to.
I long to make a difference in the world
or more simply, in my own life.
Instead, I sleep.
I once thought wanting something bad enough
was assurance I would get it.
I was wrong.
I am still alive-
I am still trying to find something worth living for.
The weight of all I am and all I could be chains me to my mattress.
I lie in bed, so still sometimes
as if the greatest sin I could commit is to draw breath
from a world I give nothing to in return.
I have nothing worth offering anyways.
The blood still rushes, unbidden, even if I will it not to.
I feel my potential festering between the rivets of my teeth
and underneath my finger beds.
Decaying with desire,
as darkness is gentler than reality.