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Music Matters Showcase for Sickle Cell and Goods Deeds Challenge

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Good Deeds Crew and Chi City artists did a benefit showcase for children to attend a summer camp program, “Bright Horizons” designated for children with Sickle Cell. To learn more about the program and what they offer, check my previous blog, TAKE ON THE GOOD DEEDS CHALLENGE.  I got the chance to speak with Chi City artists Abstrak Mind and Ace Da Vinci, and K Moon of GDC. I ask them their views and feelings about being a part of the showcase and giving back to a good cause. Here’s what they had to say…

Abstrak Mind @AbstrakMind Doing this show, and shows like this that benefit a good cause means a lot to me. This show in particular, because it hits close to home. I have a cousin that suffers from Sickle Cell. She is here with us tonight, and that says a lot and means a lot. She really appreciates the work that we are doing here. Sickle Cell doesn’t necessarily get the same exposure or awareness as others, such as breast cancer or AIDS, but that doesn’t make this disease any less important. I’m happy that we are not just here doing our music. We love what we do, and we are doing something of significance, doing what we can to make a difference.

abstrak mind

Ace Da Vinci @MrSmartMouf As an artist giving back to those less fortunate or anybody in need, is one of the biggest things you can do as an artist. Being able to take what you have, and give to help make their lives better is a blessing! And blessings come to those who give them! So you always have to pay it forward, and do it for the right reasons. Don’t do it just because you want something in return. Do it because you genuinely want to make sure someone could sleep better at night, because of your actions. Philanthropy is everything! Doing shows like this that give back means a lot! – On being an activist within the community – I just felt that I owed it to my ancestors. For those that died before us for our rights, and I exercise them freely. The right to congregate hold meeting and the right to speak is always there. I feel like the strides I make today is going to be the reason why my generation and future generations will be able to rest and breathe easier. It’s important for our livelihood and forward movement.


K Moon of Good Deeds Crew @GoodDeedsCrewIL Good Deeds Crew is more than just about the music and entertainment, it’s so much more than that. Being able to give back to the community is what Good Deeds is all about. Our motto, “Birds of a feather, flock together” meaning that ourselves and others do good things. and we do so as a team. We see the good in artists and others, their good doings and we promote that. We always give back to an organization, foundation, or cause for people in need. This program is designated for children with Sickle Cell, and we raised about $2,000.

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Our next Good Deeds Challenge is the Lupus walk, that will be going on September 27th. We have a special supporter, Raina, who has Lupus. And we are giving back to support her and others for this cause… as she has supported us! For the Good Deeds Challenge, we are challenging 50 people to sign up for the walk. You can take on the # GoodDeedsChallenge by signing up here, at

Thanks for ROCKIN wit me!! Log on to Sunday nights 6-8pm  4 Chi City Radio Hosted by B Roc IG @rockwitb_roc @4chi_cityradio



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