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Music Industry Do’s and Don’ts Discussion Panel


Lyrical, of Lyrical Eyes Management has joined forces with other heavy hitterz in the Chicago Hip Hop scene to bring an informative panel discussion, Music Industry Do’s and Don’ts. Answering questions and diffusing myths, that all planning to break in to the music industry should know. Discussing topics such as management, public relations, marketing strategies, promotions, building a brand, and more. Each panelist drop knowledge based on their experiences in the journey of their careers and others.


Makavelli – Villa @RUVILLA On marketing: Do your research, know and learn your market. Don’t be afraid to step out and do something, that others are not. Develop a gimmick… a signature… something, that when people see or hear it, they become familiar with and recognize that it’s your brand.

Anthony Whinfield – Management @CHI_ANT On building from a small audience: If you’re just starting out, start with your friends and family. Next your community, local businesses and so on… and grow from there. It’s important to start from where you’re from, and to give back. Show support to those, who support you in return. Continue to build a solid core and build your brand.

Zae – Azae Productions @AZaeProduction On promotions and video production: I started out by promoting every artist! I mean every single artist… and I continued to constantly push and promote… the latest album, the latest video, the latest mixtape.. and then artists and people started to recognize that and started to look out for me on what’s next.

For recording artist… know your budget and be honest about it off top! That way, we can be on the same page about what is possible, and what can be done… what we can and can not work with. Have an open line of communication


Hustle Simmons @HustleSimmons Management and Party Host – Hustlepalooza Do your homework. Find something, others are not doing and what appeals to your audience and go with that. Continue to do your research, always know what’s hot and what’s next. Also ask people … ask your family, ask your friends, ask your haters… what they don’t like. Learn from that and build from there.

Lyrical – Lyrical Eyes Management @LyricalEyesAZP On management and piece of advice: For recording artists… before seeking management, have a crazy buzz going. Have a buzz to the point that you find it hard to keep up with maintenance. Also have really good music! Have a really good product, body of work, a catalog of music. That way by the time you seek management, they have enough to go on… to work with.

If you are serious about being in the music industry, you better have thick skin. And don’t be afaird of working with other artists, despite the opinions of other. You could be missing out on a big  opportunity to create something that isn’t already out there.

Brianna – Swank PR @SwankPR On public relations and integrity of Chicago Hip Hop culture The purpose of public relations, is the connect between the artist and the masses. That interview you want with XXL, Vibe, or the Source magazine… you may not be able to get on your own. Your PR should have the connections and resources to get your music out to the sources, people check for, for the latest.

Don’t water down the culture!! We need to come together, work together and take pride in ourselves and our city!! I’ve seen all too often, others mimic our sound, our style, our culture!

Be confident in who Chicago is! Be confident in our music! Be confident in our culture!

— For those who missed out on this informative and empowering event, details will be on the way soon for the next… stay posted. —

Thanks for ROCKIN wit me!! Log on to Sunday nights 6-8pm  4 Chi City Radio Hosted by B Roc @ Roc4Chi_City IG @rockwitb_roc @4chi_cityradio


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