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Miley Cyrus’ Endless Summer Vacation

Veronica Trax

What style of music classifies Miley Cyrus? The answer is: there isn’t one. Miley’s discography shows that she is a genre bender. “Party in the USA,” “Wrecking Ball,” “Flowers,” covers of rock songs, and now her new album, Endless Summer Vacation, all contribute to her variety.

The new album has an arrangement of both upbeat dance and ballad type songs. Initially, Miley created the album in 2 sets, ‘day’ and ‘night.’ This would most definitely be a factor as to the arrangement of her songs. The album starts off with her top hit “Flowers.” “Jaded” comes next, it harbors a rock influence. “Rose Colored Glasses” and “Thousand Miles” follow “Jaded.” These records give off a nostalgic and calm vibe. One of my favorite songs on the album, “You,” strikes next. This song gives off the vibe of a Lady Gaga themed ballad. The next song “Handstand” is when the album takes a turn. The song has an electronic pop sound and talking section that totally gives off a Lana Del Rey vibe. “Handstand” starts the dance section of this album, which I am thinking was initially the ‘night’ section.

In the last few songs of the album, “River” and “Wonder Women,” stick out the most to me. “River” has a talk-sing style to it. It’s catchy and another one of my favorites on the album. “Wonder Women” is a strong and emotional ballad that catches your ears with minor twined notes. You can really feel that this song connects to Miley.

Miley has found a new sound that fits her gorgeously in this album. Miley is an artist that has so much talent and records that will fit any genre of music. No matter what your favorite style of music is, I am sure that there is a Miley song out there that you would love.



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