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Llena mi tacista: If we remember, then they are still alive

Writer: UIC RadioUIC Radio

Hola mis tacitas!

November 2 is Dia de los Muertos! We honor those who have passed on to the next life by remembering them.

This is generally going to be about the significance of the traditions and where it is celebrated.


The tradition comes from indigenous roots, and the main focus is that those who are in the afterlife can come back to this world to be with their families and loved ones. This can help people through the process of grief and finding some comfort in the afterlife, whether they are thinking about what happens after one passes or when a loved one passes on.

It also shows that the people you love are never truly gone and that you have someone waiting for you on the other side to guide you through the afterlife. In that sense, you yourself are never truly alone, you always have your loved ones with you.

Additionally, November 1 is celebrated as Dia de los Inocentes. The concept is the same, but we remember those who passed when they were children or infants.

Most known places

I will preface with this: not everyone celebrates Dia de los Muertos. It really depends on where the family comes from in Mexico. A reason for this being some influence of the Catholic Church early when Mexico was being conquered, as this tradition went against what the Spaniards believed in. This is not the sole reason for people not celebrating Dia de Muertos, as it may have never been a part of their tradition in the first place. Therefore, not all places practice this tradition.

But here are the most known places that celebrate Dia de los Muertos and what that looks like.


Ciudad de Mexico



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