Posted on March 22, 2019
Plants before pets
Have you ever wanted to nurture a living thing and watch it grow? Odds are you do if you want a pet, a child, or even a plant. However, unlike the former two, plants don’t need as much of a commitment. I mean, if your plant dies its no big deal, right? Simply get another. For that reason I’ve realized taking care of a plant is the perfect stepping stone towards successfully handling life’s bigger commitments. So, if you do want a pet or a child I recommend starting with a plant. Specifically, the types of plants below.
Green Day

A small cactus was my first real plant and it gave me the confidence I needed to feel like I could grow plants. Their low maintenance is what makes me want to recommend them.

These succulent plants are just pretty in my eyes, especially the kind that spirals into the shape of a flower. They’re so great to look at and that thought alone motivates you to keep it in good health.

These zebra plants move. I’m not kidding, they will actually change the position of their leaves depending on their setting. Its kind of cool, kind of creepy, but if you think plants are boring this is the one for you.

Ok, so I’ve never actually grown a bonsai tree, but it is on my bucket list and it should be on yours too. If you successfully grow one it will outlive you and would make a great inheritance gift.