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It’s Just Too Much Work: The Myth About Fitness


I’ll be honest guys, I was going to take a break from blogging today because it’s that hellish time of the semester when students are  bombarded with an overwhelming amount of assignments but are lacking the mental stamina to actually give a damn about them in a timely manner.

But then I saw a video on Elite Daily‘s Facebook page that made me upset, and honestly, kind of peeved.

The video titled “What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Working Out”                    details—exactly what you would expect—what happens to your body when you stop working out. It lists side effects like lack of sleep, weight gain, muscle shrinkage, decreased endurance, and increased stress levels, which is also exactly what you would expect.

I was unphased by this truthful, yet ridiculously obvious, list of outcomes until I read some of the comments:

“Welp, good thing I never started.”

“This is why you should never work out”

“Not working out is better for u .. js”

Really? You should never work out? You shouldn’t do it because of all these daunting things that could happen if you stop? You shouldn’t trouble yourself because it’s too much work?

I’m no stranger to the internet, and I know better than to let the comments section of any website get me all riled up, but this bothered me.

Before I let my emotions get carried away, I realized that it wasn’t too long ago that I used to think this way as well.

I had a decent metabolism for maybe two years during my teens which made me feel like I didn’t have to trouble myself with physical exertion. After those short-lived years, I started to become really unhappy with my body so I figured I would give this whole “gym” thing a try, and wow, did I hate exercising.

It felt like this obligation that society was forcing on me; it wasn’t fun and my stamina was a joke, but at the end of the day I still wasn’t thin enough. I halfheartedly ran on treadmills and elliptical machines and nearly starved myself for a few years on and off until I eventually gave up completely.

It wasn’t until last June that I fell in love (yes, in LOVE) with taking better care of myself through weightlifting and POP Pilates: an innovative form of Pilates I discovered on YouTube’s #1 Female Fitness Channel, Blogilates.

The POP Pilates website describes it as a “total body, equipment free workout that sculpts a rock solid core and a lean dancer’s body like nothing else can.” The work outs constantly incorporate new takes on traditional moves while adding elements of pop music which keeps them challenging and exciting!

Between the strength and confidence I was given from weightlifting and the growth of my flexibility, endurance, and overall personal outlook I developed from POP Pilates, I could not possibly be more in love with working out.

Unfortunately, I had to take a hiatus from the gym during the month of March because I’ve been experiencing chronic pain in my left knee that has greatly impacted my mobility, work out routine, and—most currently—my motivation to get back in the groove.

My endurance is complete garbage currently. I feel weak, like I’ve never picked up a dumbbell before.  There are days when I put forth my best effort in the gym and still walk away disappointed by how quickly my muscles strain, but that’s okay.

You won’t always love your workout, and you will have moments when you question your ability or why you even bother with any of it, but that’s normal.

I still wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

POP Pilates and weightlifting have been such positive influences in my life over the past year, and no matter how difficult it is for me to  build up my stamina after straying from my routine, I still love feeling the soreness in my muscles, my scuffed up palms, and any other markings of a job.

It’s not about being skinny anymore; it’s about being strong and happy.



Follow me on Instagram  as I take on the PIIT28 (Pilates Intense Interval Training) Challenge!


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