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Blog! Blog! Blog!

Introduction To Johnny Fan


Hey Everyone,

My name is Johnny Fan. I wanted to introduce myself to the UIC Radio audience and community as I’ll be a new writer to UIC Radio. My post days are on Sundays so why not start your Sunday right by relaxing and reading a blog post! =)


Photo of me by my friend Thomas.

To tell you a little bit about myself –  I am 19 year old sophomore studying and majoring in Business Marketing. I love coffee, dancing, traveling, writing, photography, and filmmaking. I think these 6 things pretty much sum up my life because they are all extremely time consuming – yes, even coffee.

I don’t have a lot of images of myself mainly because I am more used to being behind the camera rather than in front of it. With that being said, I have been spending a lot of time behind the camera recently. I’ve been taking photos on my phone for fun as soon as I got my first iPhone which was about 2 or 3 years ago. It was a hand me down iPhone 4, the one without Siri sadly. Nonetheless, I would just take random pictures wherever I could snap a photo and just keep tapping away at the capture button. You miss the 100% of the shots you never take, haha – am I right? Safe to say, I took 100 photos and still missed the shot…

It was not until a year and a half later where I really dived into taking photos for a purpose – to tell a story and share my vision with the world on my iPhone. This year, near the end of June/early July I wanted to take it more seriously so I picked up my first DSLR camera and started teaching myself and sharing my work on Instagram.

Here’s a few photos that I have taken since then.


Photo of Lupe Fiasco I took when he was in Chicago last week. Excellent performer and one of my favorite artists who gave me the first taste to hip-hop music in 2006.


I’ll be doing my best to cover more shows and concerts as I move forward. I have already shot photos with Lupe Fiasco, The Underachievers, Kirk Knight from Pro Era, etc. and other young local talent here in Chicago.

I’ll basically be writing about hip-hop, music artists, concert recaps, the community, photography, and everything else that runs through my mind!

So please stay tuned.

Thanks for reading! Hope to see you here on Sunday!

Johnny Fan

Instagram: @johnnyfan

P.S. I’ll be going out of town next week so blog posts may or may not appear and may or may not appear on Sundays, haha. I will definitely be back to regularly scheduled programming in January but do expect a blog this Sunday!


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