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[Interview] Ben Sommers Hits Right Now Tour x #HelloHipHop – 4 CHI CITY RADIO


ben sommers

By way of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Ben Sommers recently came through to the city of wind, to hit Chicago up with some fire! If you’re looking for bars… Sommers got em ova here!! He rocked the stage at Subterranean for the Right Now Tour and #HelloHipHopBen’s dis track to rapper Slim Jesus is making major waves and has gone viral, leaving the internet lit. I got a chance to chop it up with the young emcee Ben Sommers, check the interview below.

B Roc – Just got through rocking the stage at Sub T, hows it feel? Ben Sommers – I really like the vibe! Chicago showed me a lot of love! Really great crowd… I’m so thankful to be in this city right now! I feel like a cab driver, who loves to drive! Like an upper echelon! That’s how I’m feeling right now! (laughs)

B Roc – Where would you like to see your music take you? Any interest in collabs with artists? Ben Sommers – I think any rapper wants to be a household name… but first you have to take baby steps. I don’t really think that there’s an artist that I’m currently looking to work with. I’d rather make a name for myself, and build my brand. I’d rather be myself, and see who wants to work with me.

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B Roc – What made you decide to do a dis track on Slim Jesus? Ben Sommers – Basically, a friend of mine came to me… and was like “Yooo! He’s gonna be the next Gucci, the next Gu Wap!!” …And I was like… You gotta be kiddin me?!? Because to me, Hip Hop is defined by lyrical content! And I realized that his message was just a ignorant Drill message. Just to get the attention of ignorant listeners, ignorant viewers and followers. Sheep that just buy music simply because everybody else buys that music.

And I decided that I wanted to be the anti movement against the ignorance. I wanted to represent real Hip Hop as an emcee! It’s a blessing to be able to show my ability as well as demonstrate what real Hip Hop is! That was my motivation!… I don’t hate the guy. I don’t like how he fakes to get his career, and how he represents himself. His career isn’t built on solid ground.

B Roc – What can your fans expect from you next?  Ben Sommers – As a young artist, I’m just starting to get my stuff together. Just starting to get all kinds of shows. And whether it’s domestic or overseas, I’m gonna be making announcements all over my social media outlets. I stay on top of keeping them up to date. So be on the look out! The album should be dropping within the next 2 months. I’m not gonna give out too much more info on that… I’m just gonna sit back and sip my tea! (laughs)

Thanks for ROCKIN wit me!!! @ Roc4Chi_City IG @rockwitb_roc @4chi_cityradio 4 CHI CITY RADIO: Hosted by B ROC

ben sommers right now tour hellohiphop sub t swank pr 2015


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