I love finding new music, especially artists that I haven’t heard before. There something so refreshing hearing music originating from someone that is alien to you. Last week I was once again glad to find myself upon a new artist, and greatly enjoyed the music that I found. The song was Weak by AJR a band that consists of three bothers from New York. The song is pretty popular with 40 million listens on Spotify.
I loved the song Weak it sounded beautiful, and was something that I could connect to pretty easily, but then continued to listen to the entire EP What’s Everyone Thinking, and loved every song. It consists of Come Hank Out, Weak, Turning Out, I’m Not Famous, and No Grass Today. The EP reminds me of Twenty One Pilots, which is an amazing band. Each song is unique and I can’t help but listen to the multiple times.
Below is the music video for the song I’m Not Famous, which is a nice tune about just how unknown the band is.