Now, let me set up the stage. Every once in a while, usually from TikTok, someone would make a post with a song that they enjoy. It wouldn't take long before people realize that it's a complete banger and then spreads like the plague across the whole internet. Let's take the song "Smile" by Lily Allen as this is the most recent example that I witnessed.
I love this song a lot, this song was from my childhood, but I completely forgot about it as I got older. It wasn't until one morning; that I saw some random YouTube short playing that song. It took a while for me to realize why it felt extremely recognizable, and once I did, couldn't feel any better and kept it on my Spotify. After a few days of discovering it again, more and more posts would play that song which was annoying. Of course, if people love that song, they have every right to play it; more power to them; it's just annoying when there's some "trend" that ties along with it, which just inflates the popularity of people who use it for more attraction to them. Maybe I'm a hater, but I just extremely dislike trends.
I grew up listening to Gorillaz, when I was gifted their self-titled album when I was a kid, I fell in love with their stuff, even though most of their newer stuff is great. Referring back to that self-titled album, I would listen to every track on that album (Except for Rock the House, I never really enjoyed that specific song much, but it got a special place in my little heart). "Clint Eastwood" is also on that album that I enjoyed, but after hearing it everywhere from everyone, I got extremely sick of it to the point it's permanently etched in my brain to avoid it like chickenpox. Hearing that song is comparable to cutting your fingernails too short and doing hands-on work, it's comparable to sleeping on those ancient Egyptian headrests for the rest of your life, it's comparable to being an ant and exhausting yourself to death due to being part of an ant mill. I honestly would rather do all those things at once than listen to that song in its entirety.
People can listen to what they want and that's fine, music should be something that everyone should enjoy and have their takes on. But if you love a song, check out the musician's other stuff, you'll be shocked at what you may find. If you couldn't find anything that you enjoyed, at least you attempted to support them through streaming and that's completely fine.
Btw, liking a song because of a trend, ONLY knowing the chorus of it and nothing else, and then going to their concerts for social media is EXTREMELY LAME. Do your homework on the band before going, you'll have a much better time when the day comes. And if you didn't enjoy any of their other stuff, maybe you have better ways you can spend your money instead of hogging venue space from people who truly enjoy their music.