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i can feel electrify flowing all around me

Liza Purcell

i am resting in the tall grass again. i am not afraid to be alone and i am not afraid to be hidden. the grass doesn’t cut me but it shelters me. it’s cold to the touch and i can feel it growing all around me. the earth is soft and i sink into it gently. without fear.

i can feel the vein in my arm when i hold it i could pluck it like a string but it would snap and i would be in pain.

(not all smart animals are beautiful)

i want to be contained

tight like new skinny jeans


sitting on the stools at lunch

remaining balanced




(i want to be the golden fish oil inside the pill)

i don’t have central heating.

my body is warmed by an old radiator.

it’s sounds fade into the silence of the building.

the noises dont shock me it’s only the house settling.


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