it was such a gray day, the rain had loosened the thick brown goop on the bus stop, aerating a scent just as thick as the viscous substance sticking to my shoes.
when i’m starting my day and i feel like it's going to leave a sour taste in my mouth, i wear a different perfume to not link the sweet smell of roses and spicy pink pepper with a souring putrid day.
i was starting my day with a sour taste in my mouth but began to introduce my palette to the smooth and cold coffee i treated myself to. i let the sweetness overcome me and instead found comfort in the vanilla perfume and the way it complimented my coffee. the way the new scents and tastes allowed me to better digest the day.
it was a day so gray that those little floaters in your eyes looked like stars. it had just rained and the plants were extra green and dewey, aerating the fresh, thick scent of the nourished foliage and wet cement.
here are the all the moments i found solace in today. please enjoy the dramatic black and white retelling in this photo diary, to once again remind you: a gray-colored day does not dictate the quality of the day, it just merely means it will be gray, and that can be so beautiful.
