'Tis the season of stressing out, procrastination, and staying up till 2 am trying to finish as many assignments as possible. Everybody channels their stress differently, whether that be going to the gym, painting, etc. For many, managing stress can be a hard thing to do, and might not even know where to begin or what the source of their stress even stems from. As a person who constantly stresses about every single thing, I thought I'd share the many methods that I use that have helped me through these times and maybe some will help you!
When it comes to stress, half of the time, I can never pinpoint what exactly has me feeling that way so I like to think and reflect on what exactly that could be. Once I figure out what it is, that's causing me to feel stressed out, I like to journal about it to really have all my thoughts laid out. Seeing all my thoughts written on paper makes me feel less chaotic and really minimizes the stress because I can look it over and try to find solutions to what it is that I'm stressed or concerned about. Secondly, as much as I love coffee, I cut it for a little while just until I don't feel so stressed anymore. This also applies to any kind of energy drink. While we might need the energy to finish our tasks, it can also worsen the stress we already feel and cause anxiety which is something we don't want. Finally, the last thing that you should do if you're feeling stressed is: take a nap! I know that napping is probably the last thing anyone wants to do when they have so much on their plate, but it's good to take some time to regain your strength and energy. How else are we supposed to finish up our tasks if we have no energy to do it?!
I'm aware that my method isn't exactly new or groundbreaking, but it really does go a long way! Some other things I like to do is play video games, take a walk or do some arts and crafts. I like to be hands on whenever I'm stressed, meditation and stuff a bit similar to that never really worked for me. Everyone's different and i know this method might not be for everyone but hopefully it can help someone else out who's feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. Another thing to remember is that no matter what it is that you're stressed out about, just know that everything will work out in the end. :)
