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Margarita Mejia

Fears, Remedies, and Intuition

I've always believed that anxiety manifests what appears in my mind when I doze off. No, I have never lucid dreamed nor do I need to during a busy semester. Oftentimes, when I think of a specific person with negative emotions I experience unfortunate events in my “nightmares.” I’m trying to heal from these experiences as these dreams do mess with my day-to-day thoughts although they shouldn’t have to be that important. Brewing a caffeine-free tea and softly playing mellow music. 

Stress dreams are real whether we like them or not. I’m striving for more ways to decompress after a long day. Taking a break from doom-scrolling on social media, writing in my journal, listening to slowed-tempo music (soft jazz could work, too) are all things I’m taking into my nightly routine. Smelling a pleasant fragrance is also a nice touch. Side note: I recommend visiting Merz Apothecary in Lincoln Square for niche smells. The service there is excellent! 

Growing up, I envisioned dreams as a sub-category of memories which is why I’ve taken them so seriously. I believe that dreams are somewhat tied to my intuition and I get to decide to listen to my thoughts or not. These dreams, I think, are sort of a “what if” situation that my mind simulates. Of course, if there’s bizarre and random imagery I brush those off automatically. I wonder if my dream-state self could reside out of the country or be on a boat which I have not experienced in my dreams yet. Could I own a rabbit? Could I invent or design something new? Only the future knows.


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