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False Spring in Chicago and Celebrating Ostara

Francesca Dukala

Happy Spring, everyone! Rather, happy 45-degree-weather-with-intermittent-snow season! I'm not a native Chicagoan, but having grown up in the Northwest suburbs, I'm still familiar with the trials and tribulations of the weather in March and April. This was my first winter living in downtown Chicago after transferring to UIC, and I feel like the atmosphere gave me some grace. That is to say, this winter felt relatively mild. Of course, now that I write that, I might be jinxing us with more snow ... hopefully not (knock on wood!). Apart from the temperamental weather signaling that Spring is upon us, last Thursday, March 20th, marked Ostara or the Spring Equinox. Much like Imbolc, the Spring Equinox celebrates balance, renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings. We are now past the "in the belly" period when the land is believed to be "waking up", and are into the full swing of Spring despite what Chicago's climate might tell us.

This blog post from gingerwitchNB is very informative and I recommend giving it a read!
This blog post from gingerwitchNB is very informative and I recommend giving it a read!
Cherry syrup (left), & pear syrup (right)
Cherry syrup (left), & pear syrup (right)
My green onions
My green onions

For Ostara this year, I'm committing to some of the rituals associated with the Sabbat. Normally, my work remains internal, but in 2025, I've begun physically manifesting the symbols of the new season. I've never had much of a green thumb; having somehow not been able to keep even a succulent alive, however there are now green onions (also known as spring onions, how fitting!) flourishing atop my kitchen windowsill. And I've started making my own fruit and herb-infused syrups to reflect the fruitful yield that warmer weather will bring.

Come on, you can't tell me this wasn't worth $7. It was the last one, too!
Come on, you can't tell me this wasn't worth $7. It was the last one, too!

Apart from using ingredients associated with spring, I feel that cooking, in general, can be a very mindful practice no matter what the dish. My spaces are adorned with associated stones such as tiger's eye, moonstone, and carnelian, and now that it's becoming warm enough to have a window open, I can set intentions using incense. Moving through Imbolc and Ostara has also reinvigorated my love for tea and making a proper event out of preparing a cup. As much as I tell myself it was for the sake of the Sabbat, I definitely gave into Target's alluring Threshold brand and bought a cute new tea cup and saucer formed in the shape of leaves of lettuce.

There are plenty of concrete reasons why the coming of Spring is such a joyful time for all. Setting aside the spiritual practices we can engage with, some research shows that an increased intake of vitamin D (caused by more sunlight in this season) can lead to improvements in mood & mental health. The effects of practices such as growing plants, cooking nutritious food, and drinking tea also have independent benefits for your health apart from their spiritual purpose. Anthropologically, many associate warmer weather with spring break, the school year ending, and then summer vacation, and so this expectation can enhance our quality of life as we head into Spring.

All in all, I can't help but feel like this Spring will be different. It's my favorite season and always lightens my mood whether for science-backed reasons or through mindful practices. I previously said that Imbolc was my favorite Sabbat because I just love the Celtic imagery, but Ostara is fighting for that top place. It is with the nearing spring that I am closest to knowing how plants must feel when they photosynthesize ... never underestimate the power of sunlight and nutrients!


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