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Fade Off Friday: Dear Tracks “Wildflower”


The sweet aromas of a carefree weekend are but a few hours away for the majority of students(hopefully). The scent of this “wildflower” will send you into a deep shoe gaze daze delivered by Dear Tracks. Their debut EP is out February 23, but this track should easily suffice till then.


Immediately the song sets adrift on hazy guitar riffs and soft spoken snares. Adding onto the dreamy vibes, airy vocals beckon you to ask yourself, “Why are you so far from home / Living in a distant world.” After glancing out my window I did begin to wonder.

You too will bloom Don’t let it get to your head

The beautiful music video captures the essence of the song, or perhaps the other way around. Shrouded in an orange haze, endless fields of (you guessed it) flowers fade in and out of perception. Play it outside and I dare say it could melt the snow.


With only 544 likes on Facebook, Dear Tracks is just beginning to blossom. Their flowery motifs are an evocative escape from the confines of any city. Start your weekend with a shot of Spring–and forgive the wordplay while you’re at it.


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