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Eid & The Beauty of Tradition

Hiba Awais

Tradition is an age-old concept that resonates within each of us in different ways. From weekly family dinners to holiday celebrations, there’s something incredibly comforting about consistency. No matter how hectic our lives get, we’ll still have our unchanging traditions to look forward to.

Eid al-Fitr is a holiday to celebrate the end of Ramadan, an Islamic month where Muslims don’t eat or drink between dawn and sunset. My most treasured traditions are those my family and I partake in on Eid. In honor of the holiday and to inform others, I wanted to share some of my family’s Eid traditions.

Nearly all Muslims begin their Eid celebrations by praying at the mosque. Eid prayer is definitely one of my favorite parts of the holiday because it brings such a strong sense of unity to the Muslim community. I love getting all dressed up in my best Pakistani attire and running into my family friends at the mosque. After prayer, we spend some time catching up with friends and family and enjoying the mithai (Pakistani sweets) that the mosque gives out.

An essential Eid tradition for my family is going out for breakfast and making up for lost time. Since we fast during Ramadan, our Eid breakfast always consists of piles of sugary pancakes and bottomless mugs of coffee. I enjoy spending quality time with my family and indulging in caffeine for the first time in thirty days. 

When we get home, my sisters and I go straight for the presents. In my house, it’s customary to exchange gifts on Eid day. My parents FaceTime our relatives as we blow through the wrapping paper and unveil our gifts. My sisters and I spend time playing board games or watching a movie until it’s time to meet with our family friends. 

The annual Eid party is always chaotic and full of cherished memories. We usually have traditional Pakistani dishes, which are always incredibly delicious, like biryani, samosas, and desserts like gulab jamun and ras malai. It’s also customary for your elders to give you money, called Eidi. My friends and I make our rounds and flaunt the spoils of our Eid day.

Overall, Eid is by far one of my favorite holidays because it holds so many special traditions. I always feel extremely grateful to celebrate this special holiday each year with those close to me. I love sharing those experiences with others and strengthening my connection with my roots.

Pro Tip: If you’d like to wish your Muslim friends a happy Eid, you can impress them by saying Eid Mubarak (Moo-bar-ack). This is the traditional way of wishing someone, but a ‘happy Eid’ is always greatly appreciated as well!


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