Am I blogging about dance twice in one week? You betchya!
I’ve been dancing for…oh, well over ten years now, in some way or another. And though I still bring decidedly more energy than skill to the dance floor, I am fascinated by the variety of dance styles you can mix together into one really neat fusion. But today, I’m mostly just excited about the dance show I’ll be going to tonight.
College of DuPage, my fave school in the world (besides UIC, of course!) has a dance show twice a year I used to be a part of and I still try and go once a semester to catch up with old friends and cheer them on. Actually, for lack of better picture ideas, the one above shows one of the dances I was in (though I won’t tell you which one was me!).
So tonight is the spring show and I am psyched! (syked?) It’s not often that I get a chance to feel like a part of something big, but this is definitely one of them. This is late-night Dennys after rehearsals, sore feet, secret clubs and photo shoots. This is recruiting people who had never heard of Bollywood dancing before, casting agonies, audition agonies, paying for my own costumes “(and don’t even talk to me about the actual choreography!).
So even though it’s a small show of a community college that probably won’t get any more press than the campus newspaper, to me it’s a whole lot of good memories. Which is why I’ll be as close to the stage as possible tonight, whistling obnoxiously every time I recognize someone, laughing too loud and giving a standing ovation despite lighting, sound and choreography slip-ups. Because I’ve been on that stage before and let me tell you, there’s nothing like it!
But look at the time! I’d better run. It would kind of suck to write all this…and then miss the show! Cheers for now and happy weekend!
(and here’s a song from one of my old choreographies, just for fun)