Midterms, picking out costumes, the thrill of Halloween—super hot, but they all

seem to be in preparation for the new moon on November 1st. This marks the last time Pluto will be in Capricorn in our lifetime, which means many repressed traumas may rise to the surface, urging you to confront and heal them. How you spent Halloween is actually going to be very telling of how you transform into this new energy because, on October 31st, the moon was at her darkest.

The new moon gives you the energy you need to set your goals and intentions, as well as the space you need to release everything that doesn't serve you. As Pluto exits Capricorn, it’s time to think about the foundations of your life and identify what needs to change. Try to genuinely think about what motivates you and what you stand for—use this clarity to make a positive impact in your community as Pluto transitions into Aquarius!

Take a bath, light candles, and set your intentions by listing them out; write them down and make sure they align with your core values. If you have a habit of putting others' needs before yours, focus on centering them around uplifting yourself. If you only prioritize your needs exclusively, then try channeling some energy to support others. Remember, this is the end of a karmic cycle—think about how you have acted so far and how much it has benefited you and those around you; learn from these lessons.

Our world has seen multiple transformations, often pushing us to conform to common versions of each other, but as the Moon goes into Scorpio and Pluto goes into Aquarius, prioritizing your authentic self is all that matters. Embrace the shift, let go of the bad, and let your individuality shine.