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Cats at the Field Museum

Writer: Olivia CisnerosOlivia Cisneros

Why are humans obsessed with cats? How is it possible that an animal as ferocious as a lion is in the same family as the cat I have in my home? If you're interested in these questions or just love cats, visit the exhibit at the Field Museum (open until April 27th)! Cats: Predators to Pets emphasizes the similarities of our pets to their wild feline counterparts, and explores the cultural significance of cats.

There is a long history of a relationship between cats and humans, with origins of a domestic cat in southwest Asia and northwest Africa in 8000 BC. Over time, humans have found companionship with cats, and within a few generations, they were tamed. Our beloved pets are excellent jumpers with special claws and fast reflexes, like their cousins.

The cultural significance is highlighted with popular cat-related items, like the Hello Kitty Polaroid camera. Hello Kitty is one of the famous, if not the most famous cat in the world. She is on everything, from pillows to toasters! This exhibit is very interactive; you can play cat-related video games, like Stray, or an informative guess who game... cat edition! There is also a substantially large tablet that scrolls through cat memes and videos, which are both cute and funny.

One of the exhibit's main point is the importance of care for cats. It states: ‘We study cats to save cats.’ Many wild cats are under threat; some are endangered because of human interaction and environmental circumstances. To help these beloved creatures, the exhibit says, we must try to understand and know them. This exhibit did a commendable job on acknowledging human’s love of cats. In its artifacts, it shows cats that are the main characters. It emphasizes they are more than just predators or pets.


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