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Bullet Club 5th Anniversary


Bullet Club has come a long way in 5 years, since it’s inception in New Japan Pro Wrestling with various members and various championships in their ranks such as the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, Ring of Honor World Championship, IWGP World Tag Team Championship, Defiant Championship, IWGP Intercontinental Championship, among various other championships. They’ve also sold thousands of merchandise, including: shirts, hoodies, jackets, umbrellas, sunglasses, shoes, pajamas, and other things, and they keep coming up with more and is sold at ProWrestlingTees. Much of the merchandise is great. They opened the door for independent talent to sell their merchandise and come up with a lot ways to make money. They’ve also got a show called Being the Elite and Guerrillas of Destiny Vlog where they break kayfabe and have funny moments and build up storylines.

Bullet Club Rules the World!!

It’s Reeeeal!!

Too Sweet!!



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