If you have been listening to our podcast, you may have known that we went on 2 trips this past summer. Karen and I met 2 years ago, and a lot of people may think this isn’t enough time to know someone to go on a trip with. That wasn’t the case for us. There is a lot of talk, specifically on TikTok, where friends travel together, but when they come back home, they are no longer friends. Basically insinuating, trips make or break a friendship.
I never felt this way because we both know how to set boundaries within our friendship. We both aren’t scared to discuss our concerns or if we feel certain actions or emotions aren’t being reciprocated. I think our trips this past summer have really strengthened our friendship and have also helped us come up with more content for our podcast. We really think it’s important to go on a trip with your best friends and get to know them on a deeper level.
When we traveled to Medellin, Colombia this past May, we would play a game where we would reveal a secret or something about ourselves we hadn’t mentioned to each other every day. I think our trips really served as bonding experiences, and since this was our first time going to Medellin, it was a new experience and new feelings we both encountered together.
Overall, these vacations have only left us with the feeling of wanting to go on more and travel the world. We are already planning our next spring break trip, and of course, this includes our trio member, Gina. Tune in every Wednesday from 1pm-2pm on UIC Radio to listen to Brutalmente Fresas!