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Branko’s Club Atlas World Tour and Interview


Branko's Club Atlas World Tour

Electronic Dance music producer/DJ, Branko, by way of Lisbon Portugal, gives fans and the world a multi dimensional experience with Club Atlas. For your ears, he brings the album Club Atlas. For your eyes, a documentary web series powered by Red Bull Music Academy “Atlas Unfolded.” And last but not least, for your body, to move on the dance floor the “Club Atlas World Tour.” Let’s take a minute to talk about the massively collaborative project and all things Atlas. The album carries 10 tracks, a collective of collaborations with over 20 artists. Recorded in 5 weeks, in 5 different cities… Amsterdam, New York, Lisbon, Sao Paulo, and Cape Town. With tracks like Atlas, Eventually, and Out Of Sight, Club Atlas gives you a dope fusion of cultural sounds like no other. “Atlas Unfolded”, Red Bull Music Academy and Branko takes you along, from the streets to the studio, documenting the production of Club Atlas. And for the world tour, Branko hits up 12 cities in 13 days. With an album, web series and world tour, Club Atlas is not only a triple threat… but a movement!

I got the chance to speak with Branko on everything Atlas, check it below.

branko red bull music academy

B Roc – Where did it all begin? What got you started in to DJing? Branko – First I started producing, creating beats on my fathers computer. And I think it’s an obvious transition to go from making beats in to DJing. Then people would ask me to DJ at their parties, back in my hometown Libson. It started picking up and things kept evolving. In 2006 I did this project called Som Sistema, and that was like the first thing that made me get out of the city and travel around the world and do a bunch of shows. And then came the concept, that we take the music we grew up listening to, and the idea of creating Atlas and the web series came to me. It was just like organic steps… and evolution.

B Roc – How do you feel about the tour? Branko – This is the first time I did a tour in the states, by myself. I wish I had more time to spend with each stop in each city. It’s exciting to play my music for the people… give them a little something different while their on the dance floor.

B Roc – What do you hope fans get from your music? Branko – I hope the music makes them happy.. or they get what they essentially need from it. But I also look at it as a celebration of diversity. Bringing different music, from different cultures together. I traveled in 5 different cities and recorded it all in 5 weeks. And there’s a big group of people, who all contributed to this album. I kind of see it like… geographical coordinates… like each collaboration, is a celebration of showing how you can put 2 things together and create something new and different.

B Roc – What advice would you give to aspiring DJ’s? Branko – I feel like, with my music, I’m an aggregator of different scenes around the world. Scenes that are seen as maybe more marginal… or like Belle Funk in Brazil, to Angola South African House. I feel like I’m in the middle of all these things. My advice… get to know your music! So much of our entertainment content is dictated by the same people, and by the same cities, that have created the industry for such a long time. But I think now… with the internet… it put everything on the same level.  Different cultures, different music, is now made more accessible… making it easier for artists to get out there. When I was growing up, I remember watching TV in english! Not understanding a word of it. But it’s all about vibes! What language, is of no matter. You need to find what works, and what is cool for you.

branko club atlas chicago 2015

B Roc – What was one of you most memorable moments during the production of the album? Branko – I love creating music… that’s usually when I find my special moments. The week I got to spend in Cape Town… just collaborating with different people was really special. It was definitely my favorite, most memorable moment.

B Roc – What is something, you can not leave Chicago without? Branko – Pizza! I have to have the pizza from Chicago, before I leave. (laughs) …I’m trying to figure out right now, how I’m gonna get some before I go.

Thanks for ROCKIN wit me!!! @ Roc4Chi_City IG @rockwitb_roc @4chi_cityradio

atlas unfolded


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